Our Approach
“Train The Relationship”
Clear Communication
Healthy Relationship
Balance Behavior
Taught to your through: TCR Geometry Sound Space Touch Fulfillment Formula of Follow, Play Explore, Rest
“Train” the Relationship
In the dog world, there is no shortage of theories, tools, techniques and opinions on how and why dogs behave and what we should do about it. No single technique works for every dog nor every owner. In reality, this inevitably leaves many gaps and confusions in getting long term results. As with any relationship, a healthy communication must exist so understanding the differences between our forms of communication is an essential link to success:
Dogs use Energy, Body Language & various forms of Spatial & Physical pressures to communicate with each other.
Humans possess all the same capabilities as dogs do, but rely on their voices for communication.
Where does this leave us?
With a major failure in communication and break down in our relationships! We at The Canine Republic serve as translators in that we teach you how to “speak” in their language before expecting them to understand ours. We have created our own successful formula for communication we call, SOUND, SPACE, TOUCH that honors the dog’s natural behaviors in order to connect them to our voices. In other words, we will teach your dog English as their second language. In doing so, you will have the communication lines open, clear and fair during the training process.
What exactly is TCR Geometry? Simply put, the Rectangle, Square, Triangle & Circle are visual markers for the human to identify in order to communicate thoughtfully and clearly to their dog via body language and energy.
The four “shapes” are the cornerstones to our foundation of training and set you up with practical and easy to understand tools/techniques to solve any problem behaviors while strengthening the bond between you.